
Freedocast is a reliable and affordable live broadcasting device. You can connect Freedocast to any camera or video source through HDMI and go live! You can stream live to Facebook, YouTube, Twitter or any RTMP supported platform. Freedocast has been designed to create a seamless video experience.

HD Quality

Multiple Platforms


24X7 Streaming

Freedocast has the following features:

  • HD Quality: You can give your audience the best-quality video
  • Multiple Platforms: You can reach out to a wider audience through multiple platforms
  • Reliability: You can make use of a reliable, easy to set up, and a cost-effective solution
  • 24X7 Streaming: You can engage your audience with seamless, live streaming, 24x7

Freedocast is multidimensional in its uses. You can use Freedocast at weddings and events, worship shrines, corporate events, government events, and anywhere else that you need reliable broadcasting. 

Freedocast can be connected to any video source, including camera and switcher, to go live, and can be easily controlled via an Android/iOS App, to broadcast high-quality live videos. The application can be used to preview, control, and monitor live broadcasts. Freedocast has a rechargeable battery that supports over two hours of continuous, live streaming. It also offers HDMI IN/OUT and MIC-IN for AV source connectivity

A reliable way to broadcast live in HD Quality

Freedocast Pro is the world’s most affordable live broadcasting device. Connect Freedocast Pro Device with any camera or video source through HDMI & Go Live

Live Broadcasting was never this easy

Broadcast live video to multiple platforms and reach audience across the globe with the convenience of a mobile

For more information, call Concent Technology Distribution Pvt. Ltd. (CTDPL)
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