Extenders, also popularly called “Boosters,” are used in many situations and types of networks. They are useful for extending the AV coverage and are often used in larger homes and spaces where there are reduced coverage areas or “dead spots.”

There are many situations where an Extender is ideal, such as:

  • Extending AV coverage outside the home, such as on a deck or patio
  • Extending AV coverage to the far reaches of a home, such as a basement or attic
  • Extending AV coverage to cover a wider coverage area in a business, office, or home, in which there is only one main connection

You can use different types of Extenders to:

  • Control multiple AV devices
  • Keep a tidy look
  • Plug and Play

CTDPL offers you different types of Extenders that include:

HDBaseT Extender

CAT Extender

HDMI Extender

KVM Extender

IP Extender

Optical Fiber Extender

Wireless Extender

Extenders help you in extending your AV coverage in a neat, tidy, and powerful way and CTDPL leads the way in this endeavour.

For more information, call Concent Technology Distribution Pvt. Ltd. (CTDPL)
at +91-9820528804 or email us at meraj@ctdpl.co.in